Saturday, January 31, 2009

Preperations and Procrastination

Among the last minute packing for this 8 month adventure abroad I began to think that perhaps I should have planed this out a little better. Instead of planning on what to pack and what I still needed to buy and what I probably shouldn't have bought I came to the conclusion that doing a little research would ultimately benefit me more. So with that in mind I lined up all of the movies I have that either take place somewhere in England or feature an actor with an English accent.
My research included:
Finding Neverland
Shaun of the Dead (brilliant)
Prince Caspian
Gangs of New York (Irish accents at least)
and In Bruges

Research I own but either forgot about or didn't have time for:

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
28 Days Later
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
Harry Potter (don't know how I missed that one)
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
oh bollocks I forgot about Snatch

and technically I have the BBC version of Planet Earth, and there's probably some that I missed
but Now that I've made this list I don't think I did a very good job with my research and I probably forgot to pack a bunch of shit too

Ah Well

ps. I was more of a way the world work over here, a human study really

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Read My Lips (and by Lips I Mean Blog)

Hello World...(and the two people who will actually bother to read this)
Welcome to the inner workings of my mind.
This blog will/may be a way for the masses (that means you) to partake in my future endeavors, whatever they may be.