Monday, March 16, 2009

Where's Wally?

So there's been some pretty interesting things going on the last few weeks. Lately I've been going to the glass center eveyday because my documenary class isn't ready to film, so I want to do as much as I can when I actually have the time, I think they call that "being productive" it's pretty new to me. My theam for the final still life is glasses with coins melted in the bottom. So hopfully I'll be able to make shot glasses and whisky glasses with coins in the bottom that make you think there's a coin in your drink. Not the greatest consept but hey I'm a nube.
Other interesting things are hanging out with the snow sports. They have a dry slope here for snowbording and skiing and it's absolute shit - I stoped going after the first time when I fucked up my knee and my wrist. But they still invite me to go out drinking with them. They go out every other wed and have big dress ups partys - the first one I went to was Where's Wally? It was pretty fun.
Other than all of that, spring break is coming up and I have no idea where to go. Any sugjestions?