Saturday, February 21, 2009

Glass Work

So I've been pretty busy with school work, trying to find someone new to rent my apartment back home (don't even ask) and juggling the new friends I've acquired over here. That is my excuse for not updating this in a while. But just to let you know, I'm loving every minute of it. And some really interesting opportunities have come my way. Some of the glass blowers I've met invited me to a thing called "Art in Action" google it, it's a thing where like 300 artists from around the world come and demonstrate their art and sell their work and they'll even make you some right there if you want. So far I've only made a flower, a shot glass, and a bigger shot glass. My bowl didn't make it - Enjoy

Oh and I added some neat pics I took of around Sunderland, The bridge I have to walk across every day, and a rainbow over campus.

1 comment:

  1. I love bridges.

    It always scared the crap out of me having to walk through the glass blowing lab to get to the metal foundry in my sculpture class. Those big intensely hot ovens gurgling away and the red-faced shiny students working intently... That's cool you got to try it out.
